The Deck - Glen Hotel Dinner

Last night, the parents and I hit the Glen Hotel for dinner; it was my shout!

The Glen Hotel’s the nearest eating place to where we live; it’s literally just down the street!

Dearest dad wanted steak so I ordered one for him exactly the way he likes it: “medium rare with pepper sauce, please.” As for mother and I, we ordered a fisherman’s platter to share.

We chose a comfortable booth seat to sit. The other option would have been outside with our backs to the heaters that look like street lamps but last night wasn’t too cold so we picked a spot inside.

Our food came only after a short wait and it was delicious! The fisherman’s platter came not only with battered fish and chips, but even calamari rings and a scallop! Dad’s steak arrived practically bleeding (which was fair enough; I’d ordered it medium rare for him after all) and we all shared, although mother and I only nibbled the edges of dad’s steak because we prefer our meat cooked, thank-you very much!

Best of all, there was even live entertainment! Just one lone man with a guitar but because he used a mixer, it honestly sounded like he had extra vocals and a band to back him up! Dad and I clapped heartily for him whenever he finished a song; as we left I waved and he flashed me a thumbs up~

To top the night off we even ordered an adorable mini little round strawberry cheesecake to share. As with everything we share between the three of us, I cut dad half while mother and I had one quarter each. Mother also enjoyed all the cream squirted to one side of the plate!

All in all, what a night: it’s great to discover that you can have a fancy dinner out for three people costing less than one hundred dollars!


24 Gaskell Street
Eight Mile Plains
QLD 4113
Tel:07- 3270 6666

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