Movie Review
Source:Open Clip ArtUsing Under Public Domain Attribution

When I first discovered Pokemon in 1999, I became a HUGE fan! Like, I watched the cartoon every morning before rushing off to school (thankfully, I only lived five minutes away) and played my way through all the Pokemon games from red to gold.

I’ve also seen all the movies; when I saw the trailer for the newest one, which involved LIVE people and a TALKING Pikachu, I HAD to see it!
Since the Pokemon franchise was aimed for kids, while watching this movie I noticed that it was geared for older viewers. Fair enough, my generation who enjoyed this cartoon as kids were all grow up now and could appreciate the depth in this movie.

Pikachu was obviously my favourite Pokemon in this movie. Adorable, wise-cracking and furry, what more could I ask for? However, this movie also featured an array of Pokemon, some of which were unfamiliar to me. Fair enough, I’m pretty good with the first 150, but after the Gold and Silver versions were released and more than 100 new Pokemon were invented, I started losing track of them!
All in all, this was an absolutely magnificent movie; recognising all the different Pokemon from my childhood just brought a wave of nostalgia!

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