Taiwan Festival 2018
A few days ago, I was in Sunnybank Hills Shopping Center. I saw there was a poster about Taiwan Festival. I have been to this Festival for a few times, I am keen to attend this year too! This year, this festival will take place at the rooftop car park at Sunnybank Hills Shopping Center where is a good location. There are a lot of car parks and closed to us too! I love to be there his year. According to the poster, there will be a street market where they can have some Taiwanese food. Moreover, there will be some Taiwanese culture performance too. At both nights of the festival, there will be fireworks too! The most important part is a free entry!

Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown
661 Compton Rd,
Sunnybank Hills
QLD 4109
12/10/18 4:30pm to 9:30pm
13/10/18 11:00am to 9:30pm

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