Source:Open Clip Art Using Under Public Domain Attribution

That is not unusual to receive some letters with the correct address, but the recipient is neither you, your family nor your housemates. If you are just moving a new house, that will happen at all. Usually, the old tenants forgot to change the address to all companies which they used their service; you will receive the letters from the companies related to him/her. The solution is simple, if you are living in Australia, you just need to write on the envelope, “No Such Person” or “Return to Sender,” even you can add “Please Update your record,” then you just need to put the letter to any AusPost postage outlet, without stamps, that is a free service. So that you can send back the return address, and they will know your home without this person, should not send any letter to him/her. However, please remember not to open the letter, opened lettered will require the postage again, and other people’s letters are not allowed you to open that. Also, you should not put those letters directly in the bin; this is someone else’s property!

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