Dyson AM05

In Brisbane, the cold winter has arrived. For the preparation of this, I bought Dyson AM05 Hot and Cool Fan. It can give us a warmer winter, and BigW got a good deal for $399. So, I got that in Harvey Norman (because that is such good deal, BigW has already sold out, so I did a price match in Harvey Norman).
Firstly, that is a bladeless fan which sounds safer if you have a kid at home. I do not worry our daughter to put her hand on the fan. Secondly, it looks cool! Thirdly, the fan is quite powerful.
But there are two disadvantages. First one is very noisy. I won’t put that next to my bed. Someone told me the latest model, AM09, got a significant improvement in this aspect, but it is more expensive. Secondly, that is the price, although I got a good deal. That is three to four times more expensive than buying a fan and a heater.
Lastly, I have used this fan for a few weeks, and I still love it!

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