Today is 20th December 2016. That is only five days away from Christmas. If you come to any major shopping centers or Brisbane City, you can “feel” the Christmas Spirit.
So, Brisbane and Southbank have a series of events for celebrating Christmas. Firstly, from today to 24th December night, every day 7 pm, Queen Street Mall has Christmas Parade. Same as previous years, there were a lot of performers dressed as Christmas figures such as Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men.

Three Wise-Men

There will be some activities in Southbank. Every day until 23rd December, Southbank has Christmas Street Mall. In additional, in Southbank beach, there is an outdoor cinema. There will be two movies at 6pm and 8pm. For the detailed schedule, please go to their website for further details.

Sunset Cinema @ Artificial beach southbank

Lastly, it will be fireworks at 7.45pm in Southbank too.


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