
This Friday(03/09/2016),  Brisbane Festival will begin. This festival will be a month long, end on 24/9. There will be a number of theater and music programs across  Brisbane for this festival. For the detailed schedules, please check out their website.

However, the key note event will be in Culture Forecourt in south bank. The forecourt will be transformed a place calls “ARCADIA”.  In there,two giant tents,‘Magic Mirrors’ and ‘Aurora’, is setup. Inside, there will be music, cabaret and comedy talent performance during the day and night.

Also, at Arcadia, there will be a giant 3D street art which is a 3D wall and floor illusion.

The most attractive event will be sunsuper riverfire on 24/9 7pm at the southbank. Also, before the fireworks, there will be some air shows from Air force!/

I think you should not miss out this event!

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