A lot of people were lining up in front of Chatime

Tomorrow, 27/8, Sunnybank Plaza will have a one day sale event. A lot of shops in Sunnybank will have some special offers, such as Buy a standard coffee get one free offer in Shingle Inn and $9.90 Fish & Chips with a can of soft drink in Sunni Cafe. Also, during the day, there will be some snap special offers. These will only last for 10 minutes at the scheduled time. At 12:30 noon, Chatime will have buy one get one free offer on their drinks.

I remember last year, Sunnybank Plaza had that sort of one day sale event. I was in there too, that wasn’t too bad at all. The only things I felt bad about was spending too much on the queue of getting  that  buy one get one free offer in Chatime.  Thus, if you have some free time, that is worth to have a look. For further details, please visit their website.


Sunnybank Plaza,

Cnr Mains Rd & McCullough St


Queensland 4109

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