Australia is a multicultures country, there are a number of ethnic groups, such as Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Each of ethnic group brought their tasty cuisine to this country. Thus, we have a lot of chances to taste authentic cuisines from various countries.

Yesterday, we went to Gold Coast for a relaxing day trip. At night, we had our dinner at  YOU(雄) Japanese Restaurant in Surfers Paradise. That is one of my favourite Japanese restaurants. I highly recommend their Sashimi Rice.

Sashimi RiceThis dish contains tuna, salmon,  fish eggs and squid Sashimi. They are so fresh! We mixed them with sushi rice, soy sauces and  wasabi. That is prefect! Very tasty.

Eel don

My other favourite dish is Eel don. Eel is cooked in a prefect way, the soy sauce on top is very very tasty! I believe you mush love it!

You must ask they are tasty, so are they very expensive? That is not too expensive, around $15.80 each!

If you go to Surfers Paradise, I will recommend you go to there for dinner.

YOU(雄) Japanese Restaurant
Shop 10
RSL Centre
9 Beach Road
Surfers Paradise

Tel : 07-5526-7266


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